
Represents a tag in the timeline.


Returns the sprite to which this tag belongs.


Returns the first Frame object where this tag starts.

Note: Old versions (Aseprite v1.2.10-beta2) returned a frame number instead of a Frame object.


Returns the last Frame object where this tag ends.

Note: Old versions (Aseprite v1.2.10-beta2) returned a frame number instead of a Frame object.


Returns the number of frames that this tag contain. Equal to:

local frames = tag.toFrame.frameNumber - tag.fromFrame.frameNumber + 1


local name = tag.name
tag.name = name

Gets or sets the name of the tag (a string).


local aniDir = tag.aniDir
tag.aniDir = AniDir.FORWARD
tag.aniDir = AniDir.REVERSE
tag.aniDir = AniDir.PING_PONG
tag.aniDir = AniDir.PING_PONG_REVERSE

Gets or sets the Animation Direction property of the tag.


local color = tag.color
tag.color = color

Gets or sets the user-defined color of this tag in the timeline.


local n = tag.repeats
tag.repeats = n

Gets or sets the number of times the tag is repeated/looped.

  • 0 = Doesn't specify, plays infinite in UI, once on export, for ping-pong it plays once in each direction
  • 1 = Plays once, for ping-pong it plays just in one direction
  • 2 = Plays twice, for ping-pong it plays once in each direction, and once in reverse
  • n = Plays N times


local data = tag.data
tag.data = data

Gets or sets the user-defined data related to this tag, a string.


Access user-defined and extension-defined properties of this tag.