
app.command.SaveFile {
app.command.SaveFileAs { ... }
app.command.SaveFileCopyAs { ... }

Saves the current image in a specific file. These 3 commands have little differences by default:

  • SaveFile: It's like File > Save option. It will try to save the active sprite with its already associated file, in other case acts like the SaveFileAs showing the dialog to select the filename.
  • SaveFileAs: It's like File > Save As option. Saves the active sprite in a new file (shows the dialog to select a file by default). The active sprite filename will be changed to the new selected filename.
  • SaveFileCopyAs: It's like File > Export option. Saves a copy of the active sprite in other file. The filename will be kept intact.


  • ui: Shows the dialog to select the filename. SaveFile doesn't show the UI (false by default) if the sprite has an associated file. SaveFileAs and SaveFileCopyAs will show the UI by default.
  • recent: Only available since v1.3.7, it adds the file to the list of recent files. By default it depends if the dialog to select the filename is displayed (depends on the value of the ui parameter).
  • filename: The filename where to save the sprite. The default values is the
  • filenameFormat: Special value similar to --filename-format when we use --save-as from the CLI
  • tag: A tag name. You can save only the range of frames specified by this tag.
  • aniDir: By default it is AniDir.FORWARD, but you can specify any AniDir
  • slice: A slice name (to save only a specific portion of the sprite)
  • fromFrame/toFrame: A range of frames to save.
  • ignoreEmpty: false by default, but it can be true in case that you want to avoid saving empty frames of a sequence of files (e.g. when saving an animation as frame01.png, frame02.png, etc.).
  • bounds: Available since v1.3-beta21: Only export the selected rectangle of the canvas.